Fully activated gemmy angel aura rose quartz Master crystal skull Lila. Metaphysically, Lila brings peace and love into her caretakers' life. She is a heart-centered energy that will transform any subconscious negative thoughts, feelings or beliefs into love, Divine light and self-acceptance. Once we are in the highest of vibrations our life can change, almost immediately, for the greatest and highest good of self and humanity. She is strongly connected to the Angelic realm and will guide your energy onto the path you are meant to be on; lifting all negativity and removing any blocks.
Metaphysically, Rose Quartz is *the stone of unconditional love.*the finest emotional healer*a strong love attractor *comforting during grief after loss of a relationship*a teacher of self-love, self-forgiveness,, self-acceptance. Also, it draws off negative energy, reduces tension &stress, enhances positive visualizations & affirmations when held.
Pictures were taken in natural indoor light.
SIZE: 5.1" front to back
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