QUALITY SPARKLING ETCHED clear calcite, Druzy and yellow pyramidal dogtooth calcite cluster with etchings. (item#c26e-bx23
THIS SPECIMEN is just GORGEOUS FROM EVERY SINGLE ANGLE and can stand on its side or lay flat. The colors range from clear white to pale yellow, mauve pink to brown at the base
SIZE:4" x 3" x 2.5" tall
WEIGHT: 379 grams
Metaphysically speaking...WHITE/CLEAR CALCITE : A spiritual stone, Opens crown and High Soul Star Chakras; gives one serenity, amplifies & cleanses energy, makes one feel more energized, Self trust, Aids in overcoming difficulty, helps ideas come into fruition, Brings hope when all seems lost, Speeds spiritual development, makes one more aware of their natural psychic abilities, facilitates channeling and astral travel. .. YELLOW OR GOLDEN CALCITE: is said to: be excellent for meditation, relaxation. HONEY/ Amber/ CARAMEL Calcite: -Draws Divine and Angelic Energies into ones being -Excellent for connecting to the spiritual realm during meditation -Amplifies Energy -Enhances psychic ability -Facilitates Motivation to accomplish goals and desires & helps one manifest their ideas into action.-Eases the stress of New Beginnings -Activation of ones Personal power through the Solar Plexus chakra -Brings joy, happiness and optimism -Rapid Spiritual Growth -Will help dissipate limiting beliefs such as the belief one does not 'deserve' or that achieving prosperity is not possible. DRUSY / DRUZY: Amplifies the energy of other stones; Increases ones strength and energy; Brings clarity of mind; Brings clear perception & understanding FAIRY / SPIRIT QUARTZ: *Activates all energy centers, rejuvenates; clears and cleanses any blockages; amplifies healing work; links one to the faerie kingdom; Helps removes emotional pain; aids in past life work; brings soothing energies to those in its presence; brings harmony into ones aura and environment. QUARTZ is said to be a powerful & healing stone and energy amplifier, it will attune its energies to the specific energy needs of the intention or of the user .It raises energy to the highest possible level of a person, an intention or another stone. It enhances psychic abilities, aids one in finding & living their spiritual purpose
disclaimer: Alternative healing is meant to be used in harmony with, NOT in place of, professional medical treatment. ALWAYS consult a licensed medical doctor / physician regarding ALL health issues, or a licensed attorney / professional for legal issues, or an appropriate licensed professional for any other issues. Our products are tools for Lightworkers, Crystal healers, Reiki practitioners and those on their Metaphysical &/or spiritual path . By purchasing this product you are stating you understand that : We/The owners of this shop, do not, in any way, imply OR guarantee any outcomes.
4" Sparkling Etched Dogtooth Calcite Cluster - Pink, Yellow, White druzy crystal
- druzy,quartz,druse,drusy,calcite,Dogtooth calcite,Fairy dusted,spirit quartz,Etchings,etched calcite